Colombia and Barranquilla my native place of leaving l, i love Barrranquilla because of its great and big culture in which integrates everyone and accepts everyone despite of their differences, gere they do not see differences as a bad thing but as a positive aspect in which makes us better and unifies us in a different way that makes our country unique and better, also it is all related with our big culture in which diversity of people, languages and rituals are what is mkst common, it makes us better and for us this is a big important aspect, in my town is a very calm place in which i live with all my family that is my mom my dad and my dogs we are very happy and unified we love each other through everything we are verg supportive and also in our town in our city and in our country that is ehat makes us different and also what makes us Colombia, i love my country because here is where i lived since i was young i was born here and i plan on leaving here forever i love it ame im in love with pur big culture and our traditions one of my favorites is ythe Carnival of Barranquilla that is one of the most important tradition in which people celebrate for more than 1 week there are parades and concerts it is beautiful colorful and cheerful people are continiously dancing and singing and everybodys mood is nice and friendly, a lot of tourist come to see this carnival and a lot of other traditions our perspective i nour country should be the best we should protect our traditions and have our identity clear so others can really see what ohr country really is.
Essay virtues
We must know what a virtue is before going on with the essay. A Virtue is a quality of moral goodness or excellence. When we speak of individual virtues, we are talking about qualities that we aspire to. A virtue must be cultivated for it to become a habitual way of living in the world around us. For each of us, there is a core set of virtues or principles that serves our life mission. When we violate these, we violate ourselves. In addition, there are many other virtues that in turn serve this moral core. However, they are constantly in competition with each other, which creates a complicated sort of balancing act that some call relativism. In any given situation, we must weigh these virtues against each other by considering how they serve our personal moral core and life mission. For example, sometimes a life mission will be served by cultivating tolerance or patience. Other times it will be better served by exercising judgment and activism. Knowing how to balance the virtues in a...
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